The main difference between a User Page and Project Pages: Project Pages are kept in the same repository as the project, except the gh-pages branch is used for Project Pages and the master branch is used for a User Page.

Let’s say you are interested in building a Project Page for one of your projects but you would like to keep the files for your project separate from the files used to build the Project Page website. This can easily be done by “orphan”-ing off a gh-pages branch of your repository. This is a special type of repository that keeps the files related to your project in the master branch, but keeps all the files related to the website in an “orphan”-ed branch called gh-pages. This new orphan branch will have no history of all the other branches and commits which allows you to make a new history of all the commits associated with just the Project Page website separate from the actual project itself.

I will create a Project page using Jekyll-Bootstrap for a project with a repository called coolproject, except this time I will used --orphan gh-pages instead of just changing the name of my master branch to gh-pages as before (git branch -m master gh-pages). I’m assuming there are already files related to the project in coolproject which have been committed using git commit. Once you checkout the new gh-pages branch, you MUST remove everything from that branch before adding the files for the Project Page using git rm -rf ..

$ cd coolproject
$ git checkout --orphan gh-pages
$ git rm -rf .

From there, it’s similar to before. Use jekyll directly or git clone to copy the files using the GitHub Jekyll-Bootstrap repository or Karl Broman’s simple site repository. Make sure to make all the changes to the files depending on the way you create your Project Page.

$ git clone
$ mv jekyll-bootstrap coolproject
$ cd coolproject
$ rm -rf .git
$ git init 
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "initial project page commit"

If you used jekyll or jekyll-bootstrap, you can quickly view the website as it is locally as it is by running the command in the coolproject directory

$ jekyll build
$ jekyll serve

To view the website locally, go to http://localhost:4000. Afterwards you can press ctrl-c to stop the process in the terminal. Otherwise, push everything to GitHub and you should be able to view or special Project Page at

$ git remote add origin
$ git push -u origin gh-pages