
This is the repository for Stephanie Hicks in Biostat 776.

About me

Hello! Iā€™m an Associate Professor of Biostatistics at JHSPH and Faculty Member in the Johns Hopkins Data Science Lab.

Three fun facts about me

  1. I love to bake anything and everything. I used to love to make breads, but these days I find myself making cookies or muffins most often!
  2. I have three kids (all boys). The oldest is starting 1st grade this fall ā€“ eep!
  3. I am involved with the Bioconductor community ā€“ think of it like a cousin to CRAN, but for high-throughput biological data.

Interesting graphics about inequalities in the US

These are 28 graphics about income, education, health care and the pandemic can help students think critically about stubborn and growing inequalities in American society.