ASA Committee on Women in Statistics Rotating Curators


Stephanie C. Hicks


June 6, 2020

For 2020, I am the Chair of the Committee on Women in Statistics (COWIS) from the American Statistical Association and Lucy D’Agostino McGowan from Wake Forest University is the Vice-Chair. As a committee we meet quarterly to discuss goals that we set for ourselves and progress to date on those goals. One of our goals is to make better use of the @WomenInStat twitter handle, which is run by members of our committee.

In our Q2 meeting in May 2020, Lucy had a wonderful suggestion of using the @WomenInStat twitter account to uplift the voices of female and minority genders (including but not limited to cis/trans women, trans men, non-binary, genderqueer, agender) in Statistics and Data Science by hosting weekly a rotating curator (RoCur)! We will be using the hashtag #WSDS to stand for Women in Statistics and Data Science, but we define this to be inclusive to female and minority genders with this hashtag.

The idea is borrowed from the wonderful @WeAreRLadies twitter account which also hosts RoCurs for the @RLadiesGlobal community #rladies.

Lucy has done a fantastic job getting everything set up and we are now ready to launch!


We have two main objectives with the RoCurs:

  1. To encourage and maintain Twitter engagement within the Women in Statistics and Data Science community.
  2. To spotlight female and minority genders (including but not limited to cis/trans women, trans men, non-binary, genderqueer, agender) and their great work in Statistics and Data Science.

How it will work?

Every week, a different person takes over our twitter account to talk about the work they do in statistics and data science.

Featured curators come from a diversity of professions and have a range of experiences, from novice to expert.

Week 1 is dedicated to amplifying voices of Black scholars

To help make sure we’ve worked out all the kinks of getting this project launched, I offered to kick things off. Given complete tragedy we have watched unfold the last two weeks, I am dedicating my RoCur week to amplify voices of Black female scholars in Statistics and Data Science.

Want to know more?

If you want to:

  • learn more, check out
  • sign up to be a RoCur, check out:
  • see who’s signed up already on our schedule:

We have lined up a great set of RoCurs for the few months:

Be sure to check out @WomenInStat every Monday for a new curator!