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We are hiring!

I am seeking to hire a postdoctoral fellow in biomedical data science to join the research group at Johns Hopkins. For more information, please see the job advertisement here.

Prospective PhD students

Prospective PhD students are encouraged to apply directly to JHU through one of the many excellent programs at Hopkins, including:

I am open to working with PhD, masters, and undergraduate students from departments across Hopkins, including rotations or collaborations - current and prospective students can email me or visit us at either campus.

Prospective postdocs

I am always open to recruiting postdocs to join the lab. Opportunities are available to develop and lead diverse projects, including statistical genomics, biomedical data science, machine learning / AI, transfer learning in application of single-cell or spatial transcriptomics. Email me with a current CV, including publications and research experience, and a brief statement of interests. Diverse expertise will be considered, from machine learning methods to genomics and bioinformatics.

Here are the minimum things I look for in a postdoc:

  • Written at least 1 first author paper
  • Written at least 1 open source software package
  • Problem forward philosophy
  • Has read about our research and projects
  • Has at least one idea they want to work on unrelated to their dissertation

If you are a PhD student who is interested in applying for postdoctoral funding through NSF, NIH, or another funding source and want to work with me, send me an email with the above information and I will be happy to help you with your application.