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For current students at Johns Hopkins

If you are a current Hopkins student and are interested in working with me come by my office any time the door is open and I’ll be happy to talk about open projects. I have many new projects that I would be excited to talk to you about. In the mean time, feel free to check out the projects page for a brief summary of what’s going on in the lab!

If our projects don’t seem that interesting to you, I’m also happy to help introduce you to other folks in data science or genomics who might have projects you are more interested in.

For prospective students at Johns Hopkins

Please note: If you are interested in working in my group at Hopkins for your PhD, you must be admitted to a graduate program at JHU Biomedical Engineering or Biostatistics.

I am excited to work with students in any department at JHU. I am not on the admissions committee so I do not have any say over whether you will get admitted. But if you want to do a PhD at Hopkins Biostat and you have written a cool R package and put it on Github or done an awesome data analysis and posted it on the web, then I want to hear from you. Send me an email with your CV attached, a link to your project, and a one liner about the coolest research project you can think of that relates to anything me or any of my colleagues do. However, please keep in mind I am not on the admission committee and I have no say over who gets admitted to the department, but once you are admitted I’d love to talk more!

For prospective postdocs

I am always looking for awesome potential postdocs. There are some positions that I have funded to tackle specific ideas related to our projects. But if you have an interesting idea you’d like to take on, I can probably figure out a way to scrounge up the money to pay for it if you can sell me on it :).

Here are the minimum things I look for in a postdoc:

  • Written at least 1 first author paper
  • Written at least 1 open source software package
  • Problem forward philosophy
  • Has read about our projects
  • Has at least one idea they want to work on unrelated to their dissertation

If you are interested in doing a postdoc send me an email with your CV, a link to the software package you built, and a short (one paragraph) description of a research project you have imagined working on.

If you are a grad student who is interested in applying for postdoctoral funding through NSF, NIH, or another funding source and want to work with me, send me an email with the above information and I’ll be happy to help you with your application.