Group work


Let’s take 5 mins and pair up with another person. Pick out a few of the questions below to ask each other and try to answer them.

Reproducible research

  1. What is the difference between replication and reproducible?
  2. Why can replication be difficult to achieve? Why is reproducibility a reasonable minimum standard when replication is not possible?
  3. What is needed to reproduce the results of a data analysis?
  4. What is literate programming?
  5. What is knitr and how is different than other literate statistical programming tools?
  6. Where can you find a list of other commands that help make your code writing more efficient in RStudio?

On your own at a computer

  1. Open up RStudio, and follow these instructions to Create and Knit Your First R Markdown Document.
  2. Try out some of the Tips and tricks in R Markdown in RStudio.